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Our Projects

Global Self Help is creating an online portal where Social Entrepreneurs can meet and collaborate globally with Social Donors and Social Contributors to complete projects based in their own communities.  At the center of GSH's model is a Social Impact Project Management FrameworkTM, a template for organizing, sourcing, and executing a project that assures it is meeting its social mission and goals in the most direct way possible.  


Using best-practice project management and social performance measurement, GSH is developing a set of methodologies specifically for managing socially missioned projects that can be deployed and replicated anywhere in the world.  

From Idea to Impact: The GSH Project Lifecycle
  1. Social entrepreneur submits project on GSH website.

  2. GSH conducts internal reviews through local country program managers

  3. GSH verifies if the project is reliable and feasible

  4. Once the project is cleared and meets GSH and criteria, the project is uploaded for public viewing.

  5. A social contributor visits the website and supports the project either by giving advice/expertise or by making a financial contribution. The payment is made through crowdfunding.

  6. GSH waits until the crowdfunding campaign closes and works with social entrepreneurs on terms of disbursing funds. 

GSH Project Monitoring and Evaluation
  1. GSH connects social contributors to social entrepreneurs for questions related to the project. Because of the dual language (French and English), we recommend using Google Translate for communication.

  2. Social entrepreneurs provide quarterly progress reports until the project is complete.

  3. Upon project completion, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted to assess the impact. A final report is then sent to you, our social contributors, to share the project's significant outcomes.​

During the project implementation, the GSH country manager will monitor projects and ensure that money is used adequately. At the conclusion of the project, each social entrepreneur will be rated. 

Current Projects

Project Upload Form

©2024 by Global Self Help

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